April 2, 2011


This book presents depression as a process of psychological
development, self-understanding, and spiritual unfolding.
Depression is recognized as a specific means or “path” with the potential, if properly followed, to lead us to a greater sense of self-understanding based in our own comprehension, knowledge, and experience of ourselves and of our depression.

This perspective and approach to depression is radically
different than our American cultural view and practice. This
approach views depression as an initiation and preparation for an important part of our psychological and spiritual process and journey, often interpreted as an interior experience or underworld journey. This psycho-spiritual journey has much potential and offers deep wisdom personally gleaned from its experience. In this different way of viewing and working with depression, depression itself becomes a tool with which and through which we work towards our own self-discovery and self-fulfillment. Rather than fighting and fleeing from depression, it is recognized as an ally and even embraced as a friend who
bears a valuable gift for us.

Depression is considered to be a disease in American culture. It is seen as pathological and to be gotten rid of as quickly and easily as possible. Given the pain of depression, this response makes sense. Yet, the pain of depression would not be so overwhelming if we were able to see depression in a different light; as a psychological and spiritual process of giving birth to ourselves as new human beings.

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